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Terms of Use

The user of the portal (hereinafter - the "Portal") agrees and undertakes to meet the following terms (hereinafter - the “Terms"). Consequently, these Terms act as an Agreement between the Portal and the User. The Portal and User can enter into a separate agreement on the initiative of both or any of parties, yet that does not prejudice the guidelines of these Terms.

1 Scope, validity and interpretation of the Terms

1.1 These Terms are binding for any user of the Portal, unless it is provided otherwise in a separate agreement entered between the user (hereinafter referred to as – the "Portal User with an Agreement" and the "Portal User without an Agreement", both jointly referred to as the "Client") and the Portal owner - Limited Liability Company RRM Media (registration No. LV40103833543, legal address: Kuģu iela 11-2, Rīga, LV-1048) (hereinafter - the "Company").

1.2 In addition to these Terms and Agreement, the procedure for using the portal and/or legal relationships between the Client and the Company are governed by the applicable legislative acts of the Republic of Latvia and annexes enclosed to the Agreement.

1.3 The Company reserves the right to make any changes, additions and amendments in the Terms and Service Price-list in order to ensure more comfortable and safer use of the Portal, upon informing the Client on that according to the procedure set in the Agreement. The changes and additions in the Terms and Price-list become effective from the moment the changes or additions are published on the Portal.

2 Use of the Portal

2.1. The Company offers the Client a virtual (electronic) site - Portal, for placing and publishing the Client's announcements of real estate (and other objects or services), as well as placing advertising in the Portal and using other services offered by the Company in accordance with the Agreement terms.

2.2 The Company ensures and offers the Client the option of only and exclusively publishing information about real estate (and other objects or services) in accordance with the applications offered by the Portal and does not undertake any responsibility for the content of the announcements, opportunities for making transactions and/or real estate purchase and/or alienation. All and any transactions referred to in an announcement the Client and/or Clients makes without the mediation of the Company, and the Company neither guarantees nor prohibits implementation, validity or possibility of such transactions in any degree, except in cases when actions contradicting to what is permitted by the law are performed.

2.3 The Company does not hold any liability for the quality and quantity of the items/services sold/bought on the Portal.

2.4 The Client is responsible for compliance of the information placed on the Portal with the requirements of the Republic of Latvia legislative acts, actual circumstances and requirements included in these Terms. The Company is not liable for the lawfulness, truthfulness and validity of the information placed on the Portal and/or offers made to the Client, as well for lawful implementation of other Client obligations and rights.

2.5. Pēc objekta parametru ievadīšanas, ir jaklikšķina uz lauka "Maksāt", klients izvēlas 2, 4 vai 8 nedēļu sludinājuma izvietošanas termiņu, pēc tam tiek veikta apmaksa.

Pēc sludinājuma apmaksas, tas automātiski tiek atktivizēts un ir pieejams visiem pieejamā, portāla sludinājumu datu bāzē.

3 Scope of the Client's obligations

3.1 The Client undertakes not to use the Portal for the purpose of performing illegal activities and/or misleading consumers/other clients, as well as not to perform any actions that might deteriorate the safety of the Portal information systems.

3.2 The Client is not entitled to disseminating, modifying, publishing, selling, creating data bases or using in any other way the information published on the Portal (except for the information placed by the respective Client) to create a protected object from the point of view of copyright.

3.3 The Client undertakes to ensure that the Client data provided to the Company, including electronic data (files, software, e-mail messages, etc.) and Client contacts (hereinafter - the "Client's Information") and any other information the Client has placed on the Portal:

3.3.1 Is not misleading, imprecise and/or incorrect;

3.3.2. Does not contain any offers that are prohibited or restricted for civil circulation items/services /for purchase/sale/exhibition;

3.3.3 Does not violate intellectual property rights of a third party or other economic and/or non-economic rights of the third party;

3.3.4 Do not contradict the requirements of the legislative acts of the Republic of Latvia and other binding rights and regulations (including, but not limited to the laws and regulations regulating consumer protection and competition as listed below);

3.3.5 Do not contain any viruses or other computer software or files that harm or interfere in any other way in normal use of the Portal, interfere with or destroy in any other way normal functioning of a third party computer systems.

3.3.6 Do not contain contact information of brokers/agents or third parties in the additional information field of the object/service or in other information field not designed for that purpose.

3.4 Connecting to the Portal variable applications and placing the information on the Portal is allowed only for the Clients who have registered with the Portal according to the set procedure.

3.5 It is the Client's responsibility to ensure and take care that the fixed password and username for using the Portal does not come at the disposal of third parties and to inform immediately the Company about losing or coming at the disposal of third parties of the fixed password and/or username, so that the Company could perform all required actions to block the username and password as soon as possible.

3.6 The Company will consider that any activities performed within the Portal using the passwords and username assigned to the particular Client are performed by the Client, until receiving the notice on the password and username coming at the disposal of third parties.

3.7 It is the Client's obligation to provide the Company with information that can have essential impact on meeting the obligations and use of the Portal (requisites, persons in charge, etc.) via e-mail, phone or post.

3.8 By using the Portal, the Client confirms that he/she:

3.8.1 Has reached the age of 18 and is capacitated; or

3.8.2 Is a legally registered legal entity whose representative has all authorities assigned by the legal entity to use the Portal on its behalf and act in the name of the legal entity and undertake obligations;

3.8.3 Is informed and agrees that the Company is entitled to transferring the information about the Portal User provided to the Company upon registering the Client or obtained in any other way through the Client using the Portal to a trustworthy partner according to these Terms.

4 Scope of the Company's obligations

4.1 The Company is entitled to limiting or prohibiting the Client from using the Portal on its own discretion, provided that:

4.1.1 The Client neglects these Terms and/or (additionally) concluded Agreement;

4.1.2 The Client has provided incorrect, misleading and/or imprecise Portal user registration information to the Company or placed such information on the Portal that is inappropriate according to these Terms and/or Agreement.

4.2 The Company is entitled to following the activity going on in the Portal, including following the real estate / other object/service announcements placed by the Portal Clients. The Company can check the information placed by the Client in order to ensure meeting the Terms and/or the Agreement (concluded additionally), using all technically available means.

4.3 The Company is entitled to deleting the information placed by the Client from the Portal at any time, if the information contradicts these Terms and/or Agreement (concluded additionally) on placing information and the effective legislative acts of the Republic of Latvia. The Company is also entitled to moving the information placed by the Client within the Portal boundaries with the aim of ensuring more comfortable use thereof but not changing the information content. The Company notifies the Client on exercising the rights stipulated in this Clause.

4.4 The Company can use the information it has obtained via the Client using the Portal for further development of the Company services. The Company also reserves the right to cooperate in the future with chosen trustworthy third parties aiming at expanding, improving and developing the services in other way, as well as during the process of such cooperation the Company can exchange the required data with the trustworthy partner.

4.5 The Company does not undertake any responsibility for any losses that might occur to the Portal Users and/or third parties, and/or the Client using the services offered by free or paid portals or visiting such portals.

4.6 The Company has the right of recourse against the Client if any losses of material character have been caused to the Company due to non-performance and/or undue performance of the Client's duties or the Agreement.

4.7 The Company is entitled to setting a charge for using the Portal or separate services.

4.8 All services (both free and paid) in the Portal are provided in such amount and procedure as they are available on the Portal.

5 Disclaimer on personal data (any information referring to an identified or identifiable natural person) processing and protection, and data subject consent to the data processing

5.1 The Company rights and obligations regarding personal data processing and protection are governed by the legal norms in effect in the Republic of Latvia, including the Personal Data Protection Law.

5.2 The Company is entitled to considering that the information provided to it regarding an identified or identifiable natural person is true and that the person who has provided such information is entitled to providing it to the Company.

5.3 The data subject (a natural person who can be directly or impliedly identified according to the information provided to the Company, is to be considered as a data subject according to the Personal Data Protection Law, and such natural person is entitled to exercising the rights stipulated for a data subject in the effective legislative acts of the Republic of Latvia and undertakes to perform the set obligations) agrees to data processing, taking into consideration the disclaimer of personal data processing and protection, and that:

5.3.1 The Company is the manager and personal data operator of the personal data processing systems (a set of structured personal data fixed in any form, that is available upon meeting respective criteria identifying the person), and the Company, as the system manager, sets the data processing aims and processing means and storage method thereof;

5.3.2 By these Terms the Client agrees to the following: "Hereby I provide my data to the Company and agree that the Company processes them in order to register me as the Portal User and provide me services and options designed for the registered Portal Users for which receipt or use I have agreed to" and

5.3.3 "I clearly acknowledge that I have familiarised myself with the personal data processing and protection disclaimer, I am aware of the name and address of the person setting the purposes and grounds for the data processing system, as well as the purpose and grounds of the data processing and unambiguously agree that the Company processes the received information about me according to the above mentioned."

6 Other Provisions

6.1 The legal relationships related to the use of the Portal between the Client and the Company are governed by the legislative acts of the Republic of Latvia.

Cash Refund Policy


Portal is monitoring very carefully each user's feedback regarding the service provision. If you send us an error message, any update or suggestion you will receive a reply from our Technical Support Service within 24 hours. We practice remote problem solution.  Below you can familiarise yourself with portal terms on the Cash Refund Policy.

We guarantee money back not later as 14 days counting from money receipt in our accounts in the following cases:

- if you continue to encounter an error over a period of 14 days that prevents you from using your software, and if we can't correct this error in appropriate time or provide you with a different solution at the time. Returns given only if you have provided us with a detailed description of the error or errors requested by our technical service. Including a screen snapshot with error messages, a detailed description of your actions, etc .;

- if you accidentally purchased a service for one and the same object multiple times

- If you are experiencing a problem with the device incompatibility (our website application or mobile device applications are incompatible with the browser you are using (and you do not want to change it to a more recent one with richer options, or the mobile device software has become outdated)), that prevents you from using our software correctly, and we cannot eliminate the incompatibility within an acceptable period of time or offer a temporary solution;

- If you indicate any technical problems in receiving the service but do not want to provide a more detailed information and technical details regarding the referred problems;

- When the reasons preventing a customer from using correctly our software are clearly indicated on our website (e.g., if a customer requests a refund due to non-existing functions that we have never offered and that are not listed in the list of our software key options).

In such cases, if you do not agree to the refund rejection reason, you can contact your bank and cancel your payment.


Return of payed amount is done according to payment method